Projects & events
Our Projects and Events Fund is closed … for now.
In 2023 - 2024, it helped support more than 20 exciting projects led by North Tyneside artists, practitioners, creative businesses and cultural organisations, all with strong links to North Shields Cultural Quarter.
These have included creative writing courses, a Mental Health in Music event, Hooley Theatre staging six short new plays, a night celebrating subcultures, career sessions for the TV, film and music industries, contemporary dance performances and a visit from one of the UK’s biggest songwriters.
Head to our news page to read more about events that have taken place so far.
Our funding aims to grow the creative economy of North Shields to help regenerate the town centre.
We’ve supported projects and events that:
Involve research and development that helps professional artists, practitioners, creative businesses and cultural organisations branch out in what they do
Involve a collaboration of artists
Attract funding from other sources
Have a strong element of community engagement across all elements of the project and encourage people who would not normally be involved in a creative project to engage.
Add value to the range of events and activities that are currently available in North Shields.
Raise the profile of a North Shields venue or location.
Are an example of an artform or genre that people do not often get the opportunity to experience, or where costs would normally limit access.
Provide an opportunity for the audience to be involved in a Q&A with the artists / performers involved.
Focus on encouraging people to engage who would not normally do so.
The Projects and Events Fund will return in 2025. If you want to be kept informed please sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.